Tá leagan PDF den chleachtadh le fáil anseo.

Sa téacs gairid seo thíos, tugtar treoir don phobal maidir le timpistí sa láthair oibre a thuairisciú. Ba cheart an leagan Gaeilge a bheith soiléir ar an gcéad léamh, chun go mbeidh na spriocléitheoirí in ann na treoracha a thuiscint gan dua.

  • Cuir Gaeilge ar an téacs.
  • Breac nóta síos faoi na deacrachtaí a bhí agat agus an téacs á aistriú agat. An raibh aon fhocal ar leith ann nárbh fhurasta é a aistriú? An raibh deacrachtaí comhréire ann?
  • Más i rang nó i seimineár atá tú, bí réidh le húdar na deacrachta a phlé agus a mhíniú cad é mar a réitigh tú an fhadhb.
  • Cuir d’aistriúchán féin i gcomparáid leis na hábhair in Nótaí ar chleachtadh 4.


An accident is an unplanned event which causes or has the potential to cause damage to people, equipment, products or the environment. In the event of an accident, a report will be written giving details of:

  1. The name and address of those injured
    2. Date and time of the accident
    3. Place where the accident occurred
    4. Detailed account of the incident
    5. Name and address of witnesses (if any)

The Health and Safety Authority will be notified, using FORM IR1, in the event of:
- An accident resulting in death
- An accident that results in absence from work for a period of three days (not including day of accident)
- An accident that causes the death of, requires medical treatment to, a person not at work, including members of public.

The Health and Safety Authority will be notified, using FORM IR3, of any dangerous occurrence.

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